The solution
The company saw Illusive as a major expansion of their comprehensive vulnerability management strategy. Traditionally, the company’s approach to vulnerability management had beenm focused on common vulnerability and exposure (CVE) and common weakness enumeration (CWE). But they were aware that configuration missteps were also creating many potential risks, so they had started tracking those as well – basically anything in their environment that caused cybersecurity risk, regardless of whether or not it had an associated CVE. Using the ISO 7-layer model as a guide, they reviewed their automated risk assessment approach to make sure it covered their entire IT environment – and identity risk management was the missing capability.
Driven by this realization, the companym implemented the Illusive solution for identity risk management at the start of 2021. Illusive integrates with the company’s Active Directory (AD) infrastructure, and it also scans each endpoint regularly to produce a repository of identity risk findings, which the company retrieves using Illusive’s API. The IT security team reviews these findings and meets with the IT vulnerability remediation team regularly, where together they execute and track risk-reducing changes to their environment. It’s a collaborative effort and they do their best to work as a partner to IT.
Associated with their vulnerability remediation efforts are SLAs that vary depending on the level of criticality, so that more critical items are highly prioritized.