Just as we are committed to reaching Net Zero on the E, we believe in shared ambitions to achieve Net Positive on the S.
Since we launched our Working to Change the World report in 2021, we’ve made good progress towards our 2030 Planet goals of reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 60% and Scope 3 by 30%. We have decreased our operational emissions by 39%, and are especially focused on renewables, decarbonizing the travel of 2 million people we find work for every year, while partnering with our supply chain to scale our impact.
At the same time, People and their Prosperity are core to our business and foundational to our Purpose, that meaningful and sustainable employment has the power to change the world. That’s why we believe in Net Positive employment – so that people are better off while they are with us or even if they leave us, than they were when they first met us.
For us that means helping people reskill and develop their talents so they know more about themselves and their potential than they did before. It means broadening diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in the workplace, increasing people’s individual employability and providing them with greater control of their prosperity and earnings potential. And it means supporting people’s balance of work, life and wellbeing, to have confidence they have the skills for today along with the awareness to access the opportunities of tomorrow.
We believe a more science-based approach to the S is required to make progress faster than that on climate. It must be diligent in setting lofty goals, laying out targets, tracking progress and being mindful of how we impact individuals’ lives, yet not derailed by reporting standards and rankings.
ESG is neither a bolt-on, an outcome, a nice to have or a fad. It’s a journey, in good times and during challenges, and the only way of doing business to create broader shared value for all. This is how we can be Creators of Talent at Scale, making Meaningful Work, Work for All, and making life better for the many, not just the few.
Thank you for reading our progress report and joining us in Working to Change the World.